Just one donation can save up to three lives! However, donations typically slow down in the winter months, making it difficult to meet the patient demand, and this shortage is further heightened with the pandemic. That's why in January, we bring awareness to this need and how donors can save lives!
If you have never donated blood before and are looking for information, read more about insights into the experience and the safety measures blood donation sites take to stop the virus's spread. Additionally, if you have recovered from COVID-19, your donation (called convalescent plasma) will contain antibodies that may be used to treat patients with severe cases to help them fight, recover, and heal. According to the American Red Cross, this type of donation is in short supply.
Commit to donating blood or plasma in 2021 to save lives.
Are you ready to schedule your life-saving blood or plasma donation? Visit https://americasblood.org, https://vitalant.org, or call 877-25-VITAL to find a drive or donation center near you!